Mar 22, 2013

Adolescent Stress

Introduction About Stress:

Everyone is affected by stress and reacts to it in different ways. Stress is a way that our body responds to the demands made upon us by the environment, our relationships, and our perceptions and interpretations of those demands. We all experience both "good stress" and "bad stress."

Good stress is that optimal amount of stress that results in our feeling energized and motivated to do our best work. Good stress encourages us to develop effective coping strategies to deal with our challenges, which ultimately contributes to our resilience. Bad stress occurs when our coping mechanisms are overwhelmed by the stress and we do not function at our best.

Adolescence: The developmental stage that occurs from puberty to maturity, lasting from about ages 12 to 18 (there is some debate about the exact age range, but 12-18 is a commonly accepted range). There are numerous theories about the changes that occur during this stage of life, but one thing that is consistent is that this is a significant time of change and growth. During this time of life one's  transition to adulthood takes place.

I think stress is a problem for teenagers like when you get a certain age, you start worrying about certain things, like, when your puberty comes, your body starts to develop more, and then you get to worry about school, your families, and what most people think about you.

Adolescence and stress.-THINGS THAT CAN CAUSE YOUTH S T R E S S
  • School pressure and career decisions
  • Family Pressure,peer conflicts
  • Dealing with Physical/Mental/Emotional/Cognitive changes in the body
  • Pressure of performance.
  • Pressure to be accepted in peers/groups like wear certain types of clothing, jewelry, or hairstyles
  • Pressure to be a particular size or body shape. With girls, the focus is often weight. With boys, it is usually a certain muscular or athletic physique.
  • Dealing with the physical and cognitive changes of puberty
  • Self  Doubt, Sense of Loss
  • Being bullied or exposed to violence or sexual harassment
  • Crammed schedules, juggling school, sports, after-school activities, social life, and family obligations .

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