World AIDS Day 2013 Theme is “Shared Responsibility:
Strengthening Results for an AIDS-Free Generation.”
year, on the 1st of December is marked to commemorate those we have
lost to AIDS.On
the eve of World AIDs Day 2013 Makro Foundation shows solidarity for people
lost due to AIDS and reflects on hope –
hope for a generation free of AIDS. We would like to reflect not only on
those who lives have been lost, but also those whose lives have been saved.
Look at HIV Extimate in India.
Based on the HIV Estimation 2012, India has demonstrated an
overall reduction of 57% in the annual new HIV infections (among adult
population) from 2.74 lakhs in 2000 to 1.16 lakhs in 2011. The adult HIV prevalence has decreased
from 0.41% in 2001 to 0.27% in 2011. Also, the estimated number of people living with HIV has decreased
from 24.1 lakh in 2000 to 20.9 lakhs in 2011. Wider access to ART has resulted
in 29% reduction in estimated annual
deaths due to AIDS related causes between 2007 and 2011. It is estimated
that around 1.5 lakhs lives have been saved due to ART till 2011.(UNDP)
the first time one can see an end to an epidemic that has wrought such
staggering devastation around the world. For the first time we can say that we
are beginning to control the epidemic and not that the epidemic is controlling
make no mistake, stigma, denial and complacency are still among us, putting us
in danger of failing the next generation. We must join our hearts and our voices––together
we are stronger and route for zero new HIV infections, zero people dying of
AIDS—and all people living with dignity and without fear of discrimination.
Makro Foundation wishes for a world free from the burden of
AIDS and as a nation we have to work more towards creating a stigma free
society. Makro Foundation pledges “STOP DISCRIMINATION KEEP THE PROMISE” .
HIV infection causes a lot of stress and depression and also leads to suicide. If you know anyone who is stressed due to HIV you can refer for free counselling at Makro Foundation call center-040-46004600.
Makro Foundation is an
organisation working for promotion of Positive Mental and Emotional Health.For
details log on