May 18, 2012


Self esteem develops in childhood and forms patterns of thinking and behaving. These patterns tend to reinforce self esteem, whether low or high, and become habits. In some cases, these habits can be very destructive, causing us to feed and nurture feelings of low self esteem even when there are no reasons for it. In other words, things in our lives may have changed significantly since childhood, we may no longer be subject to the influences that contributed to our low self esteem, yet we perpetuate it by our beliefs and behaviors. We keep our self esteem low when we should be striving to raise it. How does this happen?
Low self esteem is perpetuated by our behaviors, thoughts and actions.

 Read the following list and check those items that you think contribute to your low self esteem:
___ A lack of faith, both in myself, other people and the world around me.
___ A lack of purpose or meaning in my life.
___ A lack of goals to motivate and guide me.
___ Dependence on others for a sense of importance or meaning in my life.
___ Failing to accept responsibility for my life and well-being.
___ Failing to recognize, appreciate and reward myself.
___ Adhering to false concepts and assumptions about myself.
___ Feelings of negativity toward myself and others.
___ Failing to develop my abilities and talents.
___ Comparing myself to others.
___ Feeling I have to prove myself to others.
___ Feeling a need to give in, please or agree with others to be accepted.
___ Feeling I have to prove myself to others.
___ Resisting, fretting or worrying about things I can do nothing about.
___ Not allowing myself the freedom to make mistakes and fail.
___ Not allowing myself freedom of self expression.
___ Being impatient, harsh or demanding of myself.


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