May 8, 2012

Stress due to Finance

The proportion of people stressed about money is only going up. While money is a relatively common cause of stress and marital tension, the serious global economic downturn we’re currently seeing has many people concerned about losing their home or their savings -- or both!

This kind of stress can result in many problems, including health, relationship and career problems. Stress is intricately linked to ill-health and statistics show that up to 90% of all visits to the doctor are for stressrelated ailments and complaints.

Statistics show that almost 40% of relationships break-ups are a result of financial difficulty. Are you under financial stress? Financial difficulties are categorised in the highest category of stress along with death of a family member, divorce and moving, and is described as severe, chronic, long-term stress.
This kind of stress can result in many problems, including health, relationship and career problems. Stress is intricately linked to ill-health and statistics show that up to 90% of all visits to the doctor are for stressrelated ailments and complaints.

What is Finance?
The general areas of finance are business finance, personal finance, and public finance. Finance includes saving money and often includes lending money.
Importance of Finance Literacy.
Knowing What You Need To Know To Achieve Your Financial Goals

What is Financial Health?
It is a description of the state of a person or company's finances. Someone with good financial health usually deals well with their finances, makes their payments on time, and knows how to manage their money. Someone in poor financial health usually owes a lot of money and isn't making their payments on time.

What is Financial Planning?
Financial Planning is the process of meeting your life goals through the proper management of your finances. It involves the process of assessing your financial situation, determining your objectives and formulating a plan to achieve them.

What is Debt?
 Borrowing money from others for interest. Definition of debt: Debt is a form of loan issued to the indovidual/organisation/company by public or the bank.An amount owed to another party.An obligation resulting from borrowing money.

What is Debt Management Plan
A Debt Management Plan (DMP) is a repayment scheme which helps make unsecured debt repayments more affordable. ...In debt management the counselors offer confidential debt management advice designed to help you with unfinancial situation.  This is will help you get back on your feet.  Your expenses should never be more than your income.  Good debt management, you will find yourself enjoying more financial freedom.

What is credit?    It is a source of provision.
 Definition of Credit:  Credit is the provision of resources (such as granting a loan) by one party to another party where that second party does not reimburse the first party immediately, thereby generating a debt, and instead arranges either to repay or return those resources.


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