May 18, 2012

Safety Tips for children on Child Sexual Abuse

Safety Tips for Children
  1. Teach your children what touches are good and what touches are bad. Discuss the fact that touches may be confusing at times, and they may not be sure if the touches are good or bad. Give them examples of good touch and bad touch.  
  2. Teach children the proper names of body parts. Just as you teach your children that a nose is a nose, they need to know what to call their genitals. This knowledge gives children correct language for understanding their bodies, for asking questions that need to be asked, and for telling about sexual abuse.
  3. Problem-solving games, story telling, and role playing are ways to talk to Children.
  4. Teach your child about private parts of the body (parts covered by a bathing suit).
  5. Use coloring books or reading books with examples. Give simple, easy-to-understand answers to questions about sex. Play the "What if…?" game. Ask your child what she would do in certain situations.
  6. At a minimum, children should be taught to say no, to run away and tell a trusted adult, and to keep telling until someone helps them. Discuss with them whom they can trust.
  7. Teach your children that their bodies are their own. That it is OK to say they do not want a hug or that certain kinds of contact make them uncomfortable.
  8. Do not instruct children to give relatives hugs and kisses. Let them express affection on their own terms. This will help them use their instincts and set boundaries.
  9. Instruct your child to never get into a car with anyone without your permission.
  10. It is important to remember that physical force is often not necessary to engage a child in sexual activity. Children are trusting and dependent and will often do what is asked of them to gain approval and love. 
  11. Listen when your child tries to tell you something, especially when it seems hard for him/her to talk about it. Make sure your child knows it's OK to tell you about any attempt to molest him or touch him/her in a way that made him/her feel uncomfortable, no matter who the abuser may be.
  12. Let him know he/she can trust you and that you will not be angry with him/her if he/she tells you. 
  13. Know the adults and children with whom your child is spending time.
  14. Be careful about allowing your child to spend time alone or in out-of-the-way places with other adults or older children.
  15. Make visits to your child's caretaker without notice. Ask your child about his/her time spent with the caretaker.
  16. Children who are isolated from parents and other family members tend to be most vulnerable to sexual abuse. As well, perpetrators have a tendency to target children who appear secluded or lonely.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure this post will help the readers
